Hebrew Israelite "Warrior of Judah" Garment with Fringes

Precio habitual $84.95

** Hebrew Israelite "Warrior of Judah" Garment with Beaded Tassel Fringes  **

**  100% Faux Leather (Polyester) / Leather Adjustable Belt included  **

**  Metal Lion of Judah Emblems near both shoulders  **

** Beaded Tassel Fringes and Royal Blue Ribbon double-stitched **

**  Apx. 48" long / shorter lengths available **

** Wear your fringes like you obey His Laws - EVERYDAY! **


**  Zechariah 9:13:  "I will bend Judah as I bend my bow and fill it with Ephraim. I will rouse your sons, Zion, against your sons, Greece, and make you like a warrior’s sword."  

** 1 Maccabees 3:3-4:  "So he gat his people great honour, and put on a breastplate as a giant, and girt his warlike harness about him, and he made battles, protecting the host with his sword.

In his acts he was like a lion, and like a lion's whelp roaring for his prey."  **


** 1 Maccabees 3:19: "For the victory of battle standeth not in the multitude of an host; but strength cometh from heaven." **

** See Judas Maccabeus (1 Maccabees Chap.1-9) **